Our 1:1 Hands-On Aesthetic Training is a bespoke, tailored experience designed to help you master a specific treatment area with expert guidance. Whether you want to refine your skills in jawline contouring, lip enhancement, or cheek augmentation, this personalised session provides the opportunity to gain in-depth, hands-on experience with a live model provided for demonstration and practice.
This flexible training format allows you to focus entirely on one treatment area, ensuring you build confidence and precision in the latest techniques while receiving real-time feedback from our experienced trainers.
Bespoke 1:1 Hands On Training that includes training on x1 treatment of choice e.g. jaw, lip enhancement, cheek, etc. A model will be provided for the demonstration and practical hands on experience.
£400 per hour.
Once you select one our bespoke training courses, we will enroll you as a new delegate and your journey with FaceTherapyNI academy has begun! Simply contact the clinic to schedule dates bespoke for you!
Please email enquiry@facetherapyni.com and add the subject as ACADEMY
Or simply call 02890391726
Or drop us a text on WhatsApp
If we don’t hear from you within one month of payment, we may reach out to confirm attendance.
Courses offered by FaceTherapy NI require candidates to have some background training of Anatomy. For this reason, we require all candidates to be GDC, NMC or GMC registered. Generally, this is job types such as Doctors, Nurses, Dentists & Midwives.
No. Only persons who hold a GDC, NMC or GDC valid registration are eligible for our courses.
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